The 1821 target no long valid since the indicator Y had turned long 1963. We will look for the next 400 ticks accumulated profits target in order to call it a day if the cpo futures price reach the target price.
So, Where is the next 400 ticks accumulated profit target? As at 1963, the indicator Y has accumulated 258 ticks profit based on the stop and reverse trades, checking back in the Beta page and you will find the figures by adding the recent trades in this month of August. Therefore, we still short of 142 ticks to get the 400 ticks accumulated profits. By adding 142 ticks at the long 1963, we get 2105 which will be our next 400 ticks accumulated profits target price that we wish to get in near future.
Focus on the long 1963 now and the target 2105!
101indicators's traders who follow the guidance accordingly from the "101indicators On Futures Trading" book are experiencing the same bad year like the indicator Y trading strategy, generating only about 220 ticks per contract size basis in accumulated profits since the beginning of year 2015.
We still have FOUR more months to record all the profit and loss trades until the end of year 2015 and we will publish the 2015 yearly performance you to compare! Whether you have under-performance or not against technical trend indicators! (Seldom to have out-performance!! Human errors!! Think about it and have your own soul searching.)