Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The Hourly Long 2403 Still Alive And The NLT Transaction

The hourly key indicator did not make a stop and reverse sell trade in the morning trading sessions 1130am and 1230pm, even 4pm was still remained in the long 2403. For 5pm stop and reverse sell signal, the hourly key indicator will turn sell once cpo futures price is traded traded 2419 or lower at 5pm today. If no sell signal is triggered at 5pm, the SAR for the 6pm will be around 2419 too with just a few ticks difference. 

The long 2403 may have to carry overnight again if there is no stop and reverse trade signals at 5pm and 6pm today.

News alert - Big Boys' Game in Bursa Malaysia Derivatives!
 BMD has approved the following NLT transaction.
 Date of NLT transaction : 17/06/2014
 Product : FCPO
 Contract Month : AUG 2014 No of contracts : 1632
 Contract Month : SEP 2014 No of contracts : 1632