Friday 30 January 2015

Update Your January Monthly Accumulated Profit And Loss

How to record your monthly accumulated profit and loss properly on your technical trend indicators is a very important issue in showing your trading discipline. This is because a successful futures trading is like running a successful company with proper account statements year after year professionally.

Read back the previous posts of this month, readers traders will be able to see when the stop and reverse trade signals, and can easily track down and calculate the profit and loss. For FCPO, total five stop and reverse trades (+131-9+55-26-43 = +108); while for FKLI, total three stop and reverse trades (+33+12+65 = +110).

The short 2331 FCPO and short 1793 FKLI will have their profit and loss being recorded in February. Therefore, we know systematically the January accumulated profit for FCPO is 108 points and FKLI is 110 index points.

No doubt the short term indicator Y started with a good month for year 2015, readers traders are reminded again on the multiple losing trades. Do read back the old posts especially in November December 2014 to feel the pressure of multiple losing trades. Never over trading with 5x capital risk ratio! Read the links in the learning corner too.

Traders who own the 101indicators On Futures Trading book should be able to learn all this. Your accumulated profit and loss in January on FCPO will be -19 points even though you have your short 2320 with good profits because the trade will be brought forward to February and the profit and loss will only be recorded in February.